Sneak Peak Series Continued...

As promised, we will continue our sneak peek series within the Mindfulness group for adults with ADHD with Week 4 and 5. 

Week 4

In Week 4, the group focused on Mindful Awareness of Emotions. An overview of what the group covered during this week is below:

  • The mindfulness exercise Leaves on a Stream to practice mindfulness of thoughts.   

  • Exploring the importance and functions of emotions, looking at urge vs. function and discussing what it can look like for people with ADHD.  

  • Performing the mindfulness of emotions exercise, R.A.I.N. 

 “ …performing this exercise [R.A.I.N.]  in a busy environment in nature is helpful … the stimuli are calming… it’s like brown noise” - Participant Observation

Week 5

In Week 5, the group focused on wrapping up and ended the session with the discussion around Mindfulness as a Journey. An overview of what the group covered during this week is below: 

  • The “stop” mindfulness exercise that can be used as a strategy in the moment or a mindfulness exercise 

  • A discussion of the highlights and takeaways of strategies for mindfulness and ADHD that were built on over the last 5 weeks 

  • Reflecting on our time together through a closing ceremony, giving everyone an opportunity to share, linking us together with yarn that we tied to our wrists to help remind us to take mindful moments.  

“...being in this group taught me that I have what it takes to show up for myself every weekend and helped to build that sense of connection with others like me” - Participant Reflection 

“It was nice to finally see the connection between practical mindfulness exercises in our day to day life versus what you hear about mindfulness in the medical world” - Participant Reflection 

Thank you to the participants for showing up and attending the group and to our facilitators who put in a great deal of effort and time on a week to week basis to ensure that the group was filled with rich learning experiences.

To get on the early bird list for our next Mindfulness Group for Adults with ADHD, head to this webpage.


Adventure Awaits!


Mindfulness in Nature Group for Adults with ADHD