Adventure Awaits!
Hi! My name is Elaina and I am currently a second year Master of Science in Occupational Therapy student at the University of Toronto, completing my fourth and final fieldwork placement at Larchwood Farm Nature OT Camp/Davis Occupational Therapy! When discovering Larchwood Farm was an option for our placements, reading about the therapeutic approach taken, and working with kids, I immediately ranked this as my top choice! I couldn’t be happier and more grateful to have this as my final “hurrah” in OT school. This opportunity combines my ever growing and emerging passion for occupational therapy, desire to work with the pediatric population, and love for the outdoors all into one!
Growing up my dad was a pilot who trained out in Vancouver a lot. Tagging along for many of these trips, British Columbia quickly became one of my favourite places in the world, initiating my love of spending time outdoors, hiking, and appreciating the scenery around me. This quickly grew into the development of many hobbies where you can find me hiking, snowboarding, camping, or simply just submersing myself in nature around the world… have I mentioned I caged dove with great whites in south Africa?! With having the privilege to travel around the world these opportunities only grew my appreciation for the culture, landscapes, and unique experiences that can be found all across the globe.
Cage diving in South Africa with my sister!
Adventuring around the west coast!
My love for spending time in nature (and OT!) only grew throughout the pandemic when I would help my sister with her 3 kids. I discovered OT around this time, my nephew was born with a brachial plexus birth injury (a huge OT role here!), so experiencing his nerve grafting surgery, and the splints and exercises to help gain function in this arm really opened my eyes to what our profession is all about and the endless opportunities that come with it! During this time I helped my sister and her husband by homeschooling the other two kiddos, going for walks to break up the day, and playing outside I came to realize the impact nature can have on the well-being of individuals of all ages and abilities!
Nature walk with my niece and nephew in the Guelph Arboretum finding some pretty cool leaves!
I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity to support and be supported by the incredible team here at Davis OT and am looking forward to meeting and making memories with all the kiddos!