Larchwod Blog

Alanna Davis Alanna Davis

Be a Nature Mentor to the Children in your Life!

Over the past weeks, I have researched and learned about the history of the connection between children and nature. The general consensus is despite the benefits of nature for children, over time children are losing their connection to nature because of being overscheduled, strict school curriculums that allow less time for unstructured play outdoors, the rise of technology, and a heightened concern for safety while playing outdoors. One of the most helpful tips I have come across to encourage a connection to nature for the children in your life is to become a nature mentor, from the book, How to Raise a Wild Child, by Scott Sampson.

To start you have to develop your own connection and passion for nature because children learn from the behaviours that adults in their life model. One easy way to do this is to discover a nature activity you enjoy such as hiking, bird watching, kayaking, or paddle boarding. It can be anything you are interested in or always wanted to try out. Then encourage the child in your life to come with you! Another great way to get started is to go on a nature adventure with the children in your life in which you explore different nature activities until they find one that they really are passionate about. By having the children in your life be the leader in this adventure you are not only encouraging them to get out in nature, but also to develop their independence and leadership skills!

Some of my favourite nature activities/adventures I have learned about:

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  • Go out on a Wander: Go and explore nature with no set plan or purpose. This is a great activity to practice mindfulness in our over-scheduled world.

  • Nature Sculptures: Go out in nature and find different natural materials (leaves, shells, pebbles, sticks, etc.) to create a sculpture. What is your sculpture’s name? Can you create a story around your sculpture?

  • Moon Walk: Go outside at night and look up at the sky. Can you see the moon? What colour is it? What shape is it?

  • Nighttime Walk: Find a safe place to go on a nighttime walk with your children. At night being outside can be quite the adventure to spot some nocturnal animals!

  • Nature Story Time: Create your own stories using nature as your inspiration. This is a great way to allow the children in your life to be creative and explore their imagination. As Albert Einstein said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

I hope these nature activities/adventures give you the inspiration to explore nature with the children in your life!

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Nature Nurtures: COVID-19 and Children's Mental Health


The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on everyone, and our children are no exception. Children have lost many of their everyday activities (occupations) and have been isolated from their friends and school. Earlier this year, SickKids released a study that shows the large majority of children and youth experienced a decrease in their mental health during the first wave of the pandemic.

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In their study, they surveyed more than 1,000 parents of children and youth between the ages of 2-18, and almost 350 youth between the ages of 10-18. The study found that more than two thirds of children and youth experienced deterioration in their mental health. This deterioration was mainly associated with the stress related to social isolation. Another notable finding was that across the six domains of mental health (depression, anxiety, irritability, attention span, hyperactivity and obsessions/compulsions), 70% of children aged 6-18 and 66% of children aged 2-5 reported deterioration in at least one of the domains.

Throughout this placement, I have been learning a lot about all the mental health benefits nature has to offer. Countless studies show that spending time outdoors boosts our mental health as it decreases feelings of stress, anxiety or depression.

Some of my favourite ideas that I have learned about that also support mental health are:

  • Take a family hike- The greatest mental health benefits come when you get away from busy streets and immerse yourself in nature.

  • Do your everyday activities outside- eating (and cooking) meals outside as a family, reading books, family game night, exercising and more! All of these everyday activities can be enjoyed outdoors.

  • Sleeping- Sleeping outdoors helps increases serotonin and reduces stress. The fresh air also helps you to sleep longer.

  • Bring nature inside-Setting up a green space in your house can help increase mental-wellbeing. Consider setting up the area where your child is doing virtual learning!

  • Let your kids enjoy independent free play- This is a great way for them to gain confidence and resilience!

 Unplug from the devices, get outdoors, take deep breaths of fresh air, and relax- your kids will thank you for it!

If you are interested in reading the SickKids study click here

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Risky play in the great outdoors

Growing up and spending summers at our trailer, I had a group of friends that I would spend all day with. We loved playing in back fields where there were no parents to tell us what to do. This was great, we could play how we wanted to! Some of the most memorable experiences were using old wood for bike ramps, getting to race down big hills and of course getting messy. One day I remember a pond had just been emptied and we decided to play in it. By the time we were done, we were covered head-to-toe in mud. Afterwards, we had fun hosing each other down to wash off. Overall we were outside all day until the sun went down, just having fun! 

One of my favourite hiking spots, with lots of areas to discover! A great area for children to explore.

One of my favourite hiking spots, with lots of areas to discover! A great area for children to explore.

In today’s time this free, unrestricted or “risky” play is often missed in childhood. However, it so important as this type of play has huge benefits to children’s self-confidence, resilience, executive functioning and more! When I had the opportunity to volunteer with the Nature OT in the City groups back in the fall, I was taken back to childhood memories. The children in the group were provided with the time and space to try new opportunities without an adult saying “be careful” or “don’t do that”. This was an eye opening experience for me as I saw that the kids knew their own limits and really excelled in this environment. This was a good reminder for me that when working with kids, to give them this time of unstructured, child-led play. 

In recent weeks, I have been reading more about risky play and ways to incorporate it into the camp curriculum. I really like how at Larchwood Farm they already encouraging risky play for children, such as climbing trees, using tools such as an apple peeler and teaching safe fire skills. To add to this, I’ve been looking at ways to incorporate other tools such as hammers and water play. I look forward to being able to apply these ideas and share them with parents in my future practice to help build kids confidence! 

While reading about risky play, I enjoyed this 17-second tip from Mariana Brussoni, a professor at the University of British Columbia. The 17-second rule is where you step back and “see how your child is reacting to the situation, so that you can actually get a better sense of what they’re capable of when you’re not getting in the way.”. If you are interested in reading more click here for the CBC article on risky play for children.  

Looking for ideas to encourage this type of play? Our social media post on outdoor activities, no equipment required is a great starting point!

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Alanna Davis Alanna Davis

Our Connection to Nature!


Over the past week, I have been discovering the benefits of nature-based play for children. One of the most impactful insights I have learned about the benefits of nature is the scientific evidence about how humans are inherently connected to nature. Through reading, Mindfulness & Nature-Based Therapeutic Techniques for Children by Cheryl Fisher, I have learned about nature and the brain-body connection. One interesting fact about the brain-body connection and nature is that as we walk through a forest, swim in an ocean, and roll down the grass we are inhaling and absorbing biochemicals released by trees, water, plants, and soil. These biochemicals trigger our body to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins, which are linked to producing feelings of happiness and well-being. As I reflect on my personal experiences with nature, I am provided with examples of how going for a run in the valley near my home and swimming in the lake at the cottage creates a sense of happiness for me.

Learning about the brain and body connection and its relationship with nature, I was inspired to create a weekly nature craft content for the Larchwood Nature OT Instagram. I wanted to create social media posts that would encourage children and their parents to get out and explore how nature can be used as an inspiration to create unique and fun art and projects. These crafts will also help to develop fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, visual scanning, planning and organization skills, creativity, and more! As I have been working on this, I have been challenging my creativity by going on adventures walking through nature to spark new ideas. I wanted to ensure that these crafts are engaging and fun because as a future occupational therapist I want to enable people to participate in occupations that are meaningful to them. I hope that these crafts provide an outlet to connect to nature and can be adapted and personalized to make these activities more meaningful to engage in! Check out the Larchwood Nature OT Instagram page each week for the weekly craft content!

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Alanna Davis Alanna Davis

My New Path to Continue to Explore Nature!

My name is Rozelen and I am a second year occupational therapy student at Western University. I am excited to begin my 3B fieldwork placement and be part of this valuable opportunity to contribute to the development of Larchwood Farm Nature Camp with Alanna, Katie, and the team. 

Exploring the spring blossoms at Woodbine Beach in Toronto!

Exploring the spring blossoms at Woodbine Beach in Toronto!

I am from Toronto and I have lived in the city my entire life, although I love the city, I feel most at home when I am surrounded by a forest or a body of water. In my childhood, I spent countless weekends with my family taking day trips to explore the beautiful scenery and nature of Ontario. We would hike through forests and swim in various lakes. As I have grown older, I have continued this tradition to include traveling to different countries to discover more forests, caves, oceans, and lakes. When I think back on these memories, I remember how happy I am when I am in nature and the sense of calm it creates.

When I learned about this placement, I was excited to apply for it because I knew it was a chance to combine my passion for exploring nature and my knowledge I have gained from the past two years as an occupational therapy student. As I read through the previous blog posts by Regan and Katie, I learned about the benefits of nature-based programming for kids, and I was excited to be a part of the team and to contribute to developing Larchwood Farm. I am eager to further explore how being immersed in nature through occupational therapy programs can lead to therapeutic benefits for children! I aim to take this knowledge into my future practice and to continue to advocate about the importance of nature-based occupational therapy services!

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Finding New Ways to Explore Nature


Occupational therapy is a client-centered profession that focuses on enabling clients to participate in their everyday meaningful activities. As part of their role, occupational therapist work as change agents to advocate for and with clients, to make positive changes to programs, services, and society. Over the past two weeks, I have been learning about the ways in which Larchwood Farm has been working as a change agent to include nature-based programming. This week, I will be presenting my initial ideas for programming and marketing with Larchwood Farm to my classmates. This is also an exciting opportunity where I can advocate for nature-based occupational therapy services and shed some insight on this unique opportunity.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all. Kids have returned to virtual learning and have lost many of their meaningful activities. To continue to advocate for kids needs during this time, I have been working on social media tips for parents, on ways to get their kids outside and how to support their development. I have learned these past few weeks how many benefits kids can experience from simply playing in nature. This is especially true during the times of COVID-19 and my hope is that parents can learn from these social media tips.

Stay tuned for ideas on:

·       Ways to get the whole family outside

·       Going barefoot outside

·       Outdoor sensory ideas

·       And More!

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Here's to New Adventures!

My name is Katie, and I am a second-year occupational therapy student at the University of Toronto. I am very excited to be working with Alanna, Rozelen (OT student from Western) and the rest of the team, to continue developing Larchwood Farm as part of my Fieldwork 3 placement!


Growing up, I spent my summers in Huron County at our trailer. I would spend hours in the lake, playing Manhunt with friends, painting rocks, and sitting around a fire. My mom always had a hard time pulling my brother and I out of the water to eat and we would be outside playing with friends until dark. It was very rare for us to spend anytime inside and when I think back to those summers all I can think about is how much fun we had! When I saw the fieldwork offer for Larchwood Farm, I was taken back to those summer memories growing up and knew it was something I wanted to be a part of.

After learning about the benefits of nature for kids, I am excited to learn ways in which occupational therapists can incorporate nature into their work, while helping kids develop their skills. From previous work done by Regan, I learned about how Larchwood Farm is unique in that it is the first program in the area to create a camp curriculum based on occupational therapy frameworks. I find it very interesting that I can be a part of this development and I am eager to share this experience with my classmates and occupational therapists so that in the future, more people can experience the benefits of a nature based occupational therapy program!

Did you know?

Most people know the five senses: smell, taste, touch, sight and listening. But did you know there are two more senses? Vestibular and proprioception are often the two senses that are forgotten. The vestibular sense tells your body where it is in space to help with movement and balance. The proprioception sense tells you where your body parts are relative to each other. Simply being in nature helps develop all of your child’s senses. Think about all the endless opportunities such as smelling flowers, touching different textures and learning how to position your body to climb a tree. To learn more about how you can promote nature fun in your family and how it is used in Occupational Therapy, become an insider! Sign up below.

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Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.) Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.)

The End of an Era, and the Beginning of Another!


As I’m nearing the end of my fieldwork placement, I’m here to share some reflections about my experience developing Larchwood Farm Nature Camp over the past 8 weeks.

This has been a fantastic placement that has taught me so much about how diverse the work of an occupational therapist can be! Not only do occupational therapists have an important role working directly with clients to support their participation and engagement in meaningful activities, but we can also use our occupational lens at a systems level to develop programs that are centered around the needs of our clients. One of the most meaningful aspects of my placement was truly getting to know the Grey County community through a community health needs analysis, which now allows me to confidently say that Larchwood Farm Nature Camp will address the health needs of children living in this community. Although I love working directly with clients, this placement made me realize the huge impact that occupational therapists can have when working away from direct client care, and I believe that this experience has opened doors for me in the future to consider leadership and advocacy work.

Another key takeaway for me from this placement is all that I have learned about the benefits of spending time in nature for kids. While I have always known that for me personally, nature is a huge stress-reliever, to see the extensive benefits of nature for the physical and mental health and well-being of children reflected in the literature was very eye-opening. I look forward to using nature-based therapy in my future practice, regardless of where I end up!

One of the biggest challenges I faced throughout this experience was the uncertainty of not knowing whether the camp would be able to pilot this summer 2020 because of COVID-19. This uncertainty made it difficult to plan for the future, especially when it came to figuring out how to market the program. Unfortunately, the camp will not be piloting this summer; however, we are very much looking forward to piloting the program in summer 2021, and to offering individual nature-based occupational therapy this summer 2020 on Larchwood Farm! Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Although I’m signing off for now, this experience has been an absolute pleasure and I look forward to staying connected to Larchwood Farm Nature Camp for many years to come.


Regan Chau-Stacey, Student Occupational Therapist

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Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.) Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.)

Larchwood Farm Nature Camp Curriculum Update!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been developing a two-week curriculum for Larchwood Farm Nature Camp. Our camp will support day campers ages 6-12 years with physical, cognitive, social, and/or emotional challenges. Our curriculum will not only be based in nature, but it will also be based in play. After all, play is one of the most important occupations for kids! Through play, our campers will develop skills in three domains: motor skills, executive functions, and social-emotional skills.

Occupational therapists focus on enabling clients to perform their most meaningful activities. So, how will we find out what’s most important to our campers? We will use an intake assessment to identify the needs, goals, and preferences of our campers. A large part of our camp is also focused on occupational therapy student development! The curriculum will be led by occupational therapy students under supervision who will assess, observe, and evaluate campers, all while documenting their progress throughout their time at camp.

Earlier this week, I facilitated a focus group over Zoom with a handful of wonderful and extremely knowledgeable occupational therapists who were able to spark my imagination with amazing curriculum ideas and suggestions. Here are a few of the activities that our camp will include:


Nature walks are a perfect way to develop gross motor skills while exploring nature. Our daily nature walks will be guided by the interests and dynamics of the group, and we will always take full advantage of teachable moments like wildlife sightings to spark curiosity and continued exploration. After all, kids are more motivated to learn and grow when they are given ample opportunity to explore what interests them the most!


Yoga and mindfulness are fantastic ways to promote self-regulation skills in kids. From kid-friendly yoga, guided meditation, painting the clouds and photography, Larchwood Farm Nature Camp will incorporate daily yoga and mindfulness practice to support our campers in learning sensory and emotional regulation.


From designing and building a sun shelter for an animal to working in teams to build floating boats made entirely of natural materials, STEM projects promote communication, cooperation, planning, and problem-solving.


From creating leaf rubbings to flower crowns to musical instruments made from natural materials, arts and crafts are an amazing way to be creative and have fun all while developing fine motor skills.


If our nature camp is something that you are interested in for your children or someone you know, join our mailing list and receive updates about camp development and registration!

Exploring the beautiful Historic Distillery District of Toronto!

Camp Goals
: Improve fine motor, gross motor, coordination, and balance skills while exploring nature.

02 : Develop executive functions including problem-solving, planning, and organization.

03 : Regulate senses and emotions through participation in group activity and play.

04 : Larchwood Farm Nature Camp will run in 2-week blocks. Each session will be 10 days long.

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Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.) Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.)

Grey County: Colour It Your Way!


Did you know that spending time in nature promotes physical, mental, and social-emotional health for typically developing children and those with disabilities, especially autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? This was a fascinating yet unsurprising finding for me; a nature escape is exactly what I need when I’m feeling anxious or stressed!

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been learning about Grey County so I can get a better idea of what Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp should offer. Here are some of my findings:

  1. Grey County is home to many tight-knit communities. The vast majority of youth living in these communities report a sense of belonging. Our camp program will build on this culture by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  2. The Let’s Learn Kindergarten Registration program provides families with a growth and development screening for their children before they enter kindergarten. Families are referred to community resources if needed. However, children entering school in Grey County consistently score in the vulnerable range for motor and social-emotional skill development. As we begin to develop our camp curriculum, opportunities for skill development in these domains will be prioritized.

  3. Children and families in Grey County experience higher rates of low income and poverty. Employment opportunities are also lacking for youth. Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp is committed to providing a financially accessible program while creating employment opportunities for youth as summer student support staff.

  4. The need for supports for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) has been flagged by parents and professionals in Grey County. Our camp will operate an inclusion program where children with special needs (including ASD, ADHD, and FASD) and those who are typically developing come together and learn from each other.

  5. There are many incredible services for children in Grey County that already exist including physical and mental health services, special education programs in the Bluewater and Bruce Grey Catholic District School Boards, specialized outdoor education programs and nature camps. So what makes Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp unique? Our camp curriculum will be grounded in occupational therapy frameworks and theories, and we will use evidence-based occupational therapy assessments and interventions to address the needs of our campers.

COVID-19 Update

We are fortunate that we can continue with the development of Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp while working remotely. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are uncertain whether we will be able to pilot our camp program in July and August 2020 as originally planned.

We will continue to closely monitor recommendations from public health authorities and we will only pilot our program this summer if it is safe to do so. Our priority is the health and safety of all visitors to Larchwood Farm.

If our therapeutic nature camp is something that you would be interested in for your children or someone you know, please click the form below and join our mailing list. You will receive email updates when a new blog post is created and we may also ask you for feedback during our development process!

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Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.) Emily Comrie, OT Reg. (Ont.)

Larchwood Farm Children's Nature Camp Update!

So the journey begins…

Did you know that Markdale, Ontario, a community only minutes from Larchwood Farm, is the birthplace of the largest independent ice cream manufacturer in Canada, Chapman’s Ice Cream?

My name is Regan and I’m a 2nd year occupational therapy student at the University of Toronto. I’m incredibly excited to be joining Alanna on this journey to develop Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp for my fieldwork placement!

I’m in the beginning stages of my research to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment of the Grey County community. You may be wondering, what exactly is a Community Health Needs Assessment? Essentially, I want to learn about the strengths, needs, and resources of the community, so I can get a better sense of what our camp should offer, and to whom!

Having been born and raised in Toronto, I don’t have much experience with rural Southwestern Ontario, and I have never had the opportunity to visit Markdale or its surrounding areas. I’m extremely grateful that embarking on this project has given me the chance to learn about the unique communities and townships of Grey County, from their contributions to the Canadian ice cream industry and beyond!

Some of the questions I’m looking to answer are…

What are the benefits of nature for kids and who benefits the most?

What are the strengths and needs of kids and families living in Grey County?

Who are the potential users of our nature camp?

What health-related programs and services already exist in Grey County and who do they serve?

… and more!

Over the next 8 weeks, I’ll be posting weekly updates about my progress as Alanna and I build Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp from the ground up. Stay tuned for more and click the button below to sign up for camp updates!

Check out our spring photo gallery to see what’s happening in nature at Larchwood Farm.

Exploring the beautiful Historic Distillery District of Toronto!

Exploring the beautiful Historic Distillery District of Toronto!

Nestled in Grey County on 101 acres, Larchwood Farm Children’s Camp will connect kids to nature with a therapeutic sense, guided by Occupational Therapy frameworks and theories. Our camp team will include Occupational Therapy Students, Registered Occupational Therapists and Summer Student support staff.

Camp Goals
: Improve fine motor, gross motor, coordination and balance skills while exploring nature.

02 : Develop cognitive functions including problem solving, planning and organization.

03 : Regulate senses and emotions through participation in group activity and play.

04 : Larchwood Farm Nature Camp will run in weekly blocks. Each session will be 5 days long.

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Alanna Davis Alanna Davis

Launching July 2020: Larchwood Farm Children’s Nature Camp


Larchwood Farm

So it all began because I wanted to buy a farm! Growing up in Norfolk county with acres of tobacco as my playground, I’ve always been drawn to wide open spaces. My husband, growing up in Newfoundland, luckily also felt the same way.

In August 2016, after searching for several years, we ascended the curvy driveway of Larchwood Farm and knew instantly that this was the one. It had everything that we wanted and so much more.

Larchwood Farm is aptly named after the beautiful Larchwood trees, also known locally as Tamarack or Juniper, which are found throughout the property. The Larchwood is particularly unique in that it is a deciduous conifer. Its short, needle-like, blue-green leaves turn bright yellow and then drop in the Fall. The Victorian Farmhouse was built between 1900-1905 and there is also a newer drive shed (that I like to call “the barn”) and an old outhouse (no longer in service!).

Larchwood Farm is 101 acres of boreal forest, hardwood forest, wetlands and fields. 50 acres of hay is grown and harvested annually by a neighbouring farmer as a source of food for his cattle. Apple trees are speckled throughout the property and we grow quite an extensive vegetable and flower garden each year. The farm is a medley of rolling hills and lovely maintained trails and paths. We continue to nurture and develop the trail system as we explore our property. 

We are also lucky enough to have fresh water on the property. Traverston Creek runs through the property and is home to plenty of Brook Trout. There is also a spring fed pond which is home to Chubb fish, Bass and Trout. A few friendly water snakes, frogs, and muskrat have also been spotted in our pond. It’s a great place to cool off in the summer, explore the shoreline and get close with the fish. They are known to nibble toes and are surprisingly easy to catch, and of course later release. We treat all our farm creatures with respect.

My goal has always been to share Larchwood Farm especially for those that may not have the opportunity to experience such a natural environment. The next step is to merge my love of Occupational Therapy with the love of the farm. Development of our unique therapeutic nature camp will begin in April 2020 in collaboration with the University of Toronto and University of Western Ontario, Faculties of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science.

Nestled in Grey County on 101 acres, Larchwood Farm Children’s Camp will connect kids to nature with a therapeutic sense, guided by Occupational Therapy frameworks and theories. Our camp team will include Occupational Therapy Students, Registered Occupational Therapists and Summer Student support staff.

Camp Goals
: Improve fine motor, gross motor, coordination and balance skills while exploring nature.

02 : Develop cognitive functions including problem solving, planning and organization.

03 : Regulate senses and emotions through participation in group activity and play.

04 : Larchwood Farm Nature Camp will run in weekly blocks. Each session will be 5 days long.

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