You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather - Pema Chodron.
Hello! My name is Wagma and I'm a second year occupational therapy student at Western University, on an exciting journey (and a period of transition) where I am beginning my last placement right here at Davis Occupational Therapy! I am so excited to embark on this new journey from being a student to a practicing professional soon. I am most excited to expand my learning through the mindfulness group tailored for adults with ADHD by taking on the role of a co-facilitator with Heather and I believe that my passion lies right here and am confident that I will grow and learn more about myself and my values during my time here.
Grateful to be here :)
A little about me, I am a huge mental health advocate! As an individual who has faced unique challenges to her own mental health for more than a year or so I have had many personal experiences of finding what works best for me. A few of those things has been practicing mindfulness and practicing daily gratitude. I noticed that when I started to become grateful for the little things in life and I started to practice being in the present through mindful activities that the progress I was making every day started to really add up. I don't consider myself an expert in mindfulness since this is just my personal journey but I see myself contributing to other people's journey whether that may be a journey with a mental health challenge or not.
“The only way we have of influencing the future is to own the present, however we find it”
I love spending time outdoors, connecting with nature, and focusing on how to connect my mind, body, and breath to the external environment. As we approach the warmer weather, you can catch me doing breath work in my backyard or curled up with a good book. I love working with all ages, whether that be kids or adults, because the benefits of nature and mindfulness can benefit everyone. Learning how to become mindful is such an important skill to have especially when there are so many distractions in today's world. I cannot wait to see how these skills flourish in the mindfulness group and how I can contribute to this trajectory of change.
“believing in yourself and trusting that you are on the right path, and not being in doubt by following the myriad footpaths of those wandering in every direction”