Season's Greetings from Alanna
Hi everyone,
I haven’t written a blog post for quite some time! So what better time than in December, my favourite month! I’m a Sagittarius through to the bone - lover of winter, ultimate dreamer, traveler, loyal friend, creative and caring. I was born a week before Christas and have never wanted to change my birthday in any way!
What you may not know about me is that this Entrepreneur ride has been a steep learning curve. I love, love, love program development and tapping into my creativity. What I do not love is the finance side of things, so alas that is my knowledge gap and where I continue to push myself.
This company is growing and becoming more than what I ever dreamed. I have met such an incredible group of Nature OTs, all over the world, and continue to meet new, aspiring Nature OTs. It’s amazing how often I open my email to find a new message from someone that has found us and wants to know more - in fact may have their own dreams of becoming an OT Entrepreneur. I love to spend the time fostering these connections and supporting likeminded people!
So, I thank you - all of you! From my amazing team of Nature OTs, my keen volunteers, my awesome MScOT students, my nature-loving families who entrust us with their children to work on tough things like emotions and to my wonderful, supportive friends and family.
Happy Holidays to each and everyone of you. Here’s to 2022 and all that it has to offer. Many new things will be coming through Larchwood Nature OT and in fact we’re embarking on some fun programs to cap off 2021.
Keep joining us in this adventure - I promise, from the bottom of my Sagittarius heart, that it will continue to be progressive, creative, fun and wild just like me!