New Developments at Larchwood!
Hi everyone! We wanted to update you on some of the work we are doing at Larchwood this Spring! As we know, exposure to nature can help:
· decrease stress
· improve emotional wellbeing
· build resilience
· develop social skills
· support cognitive functioning and more!
Although we know these benefits exist, we are still looking for ways to measure these changes in our nature-based OT interventions at Larchwood. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on finding an evaluation tool that will help us measure change in the weekend nature OT groups at Todmorden Mills.
Why are we looking at evaluation outcome tools here at Larchwood?
Evaluation is an important part of occupational therapy because it helps us understand how useful and effective the interventions we provide are. We can use this information to make changes and improve future nature-based OT sessions for your kids. Since Nature OT is a newer area of practice, we need to research and try different tools to find the right one for our groups!
Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale
Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale we are using in our sessions this spring!
The first evaluation tool that I found is called the Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale. This scale uses two circles to help understand how a person sees their relationship with nature. So far, we have been trying to use this measure with the Spring groups at Todmorden Mills. We are hoping that this scale will help us understand how each kiddo in our program sees their relationship with nature before the program and if there are any changes in this relationship after the 8-weeks of the program!
Social Skills Improvement Scale Rating System
We are also looking at another measure called the social skills improvement system. This evaluation tool will help us measure and monitor whether there are changes in your children’s social skills after the program. Alanna and I are currently working on a research grant application to apply for funding so that we can buy this evaluation measure. We are hoping to try it out in the Fall and Winter groups!